UWnewbee - 9/23/2009 12:36 AM
From ScubaSteve63: why paint? if your tanks are the same diameter a aluminum 80s you can just get a skin to wrap it.
Amen Steve,,, 1 rule of ethics, if it works,,, LEAVE it alone,, if you prefer to have your tanks match your car or truck, drive em both off the pier. As a welder for many years and being a harley rider and builder ive seen my share of powder coatings that were supposed to be bullet proof, hit in the wrong spot or the wrong beginning steps to apply it, it chips with a hard enough hit or sharp impact point!also painting areas with sharp outlines such as when the inspector stamps the hydro and gives it a quick splash to deter any outter evironmensts is okay,, but any sharp edge will not hold paint and will be easilly chipped thats why as fabricating metals we bevel the edges to hold the paint and deture the thin coat,,, but grinding the sharp edeges would be time consumming from the hydro stamp, so there fore,,,,,,,,, if it works Leave it alone and buy a skin or mesh cover!!