Joe65 - 9/25/2009 3:12 AM

I.m mad as hell I live 25 min. from Dutch and this year I bought a season pass. I told myself this was going to be the year I would dive all summer without fail. But without fail, I took a job in Virginia and have not been home or to Dutch once this year and the season is almost over, and!! I’m still here in Virginia. However I have managed to steal enough time to finish AOW at a place called Millbrook Quarry in Haymarket (I’m sure Hay Sales must have been a big attraction there at some point in history) care of Adventure Scuba in Chantilly. I also managed to get a certification for aquarium diving from the Baltimore Aquarium care of Atlantic Edge Divers in MD. But no Dutch, and If I had been able to meet a few of you the lodging would have been real cheap this season.