tmac_diver - 11/12/2010 9:01 AM

Hey there Joe, you asked in your original post, why people interpret a diver with his/her mask on to be stressed or in trouble. In my posts, I tried to explain why this school of thought exists. One of the great things about our activity is that there are no scuba police. Most of the time, in most cases, we can all behave anyway we choose without fear of being fined or going to jail unless our actions damage or hurt other divers. If you want to wear your mask on your forehead, or two masks or whatever, by all means go for it. I think it would be a good idea to inform the boat crew or surface support before hand of your choice. This will save a lot of time, commotion and worry for everyone. This will be my last post on this topic. I really was not trying to flame you or anyone else. My intent was to try help try to answer your original question. Good luck and safe diving!!