Rich-D-Fish - 5/11/2011 1:05 AM
Hi Tracy. I have no scientific evidence to support this, but I can tell you what works for me. For me the key to keeping my wetsuit usable after being stored a long time is two fold. I use the sink-to-stink enzyme soaking treatment to insure that the neoprene doesn’t stink to high heaven when I break it out again, and I roll it up in a dry box and keep it in a dry place in the house. I did just the opposite with my first wetsuit and had to throw it out. I like to keep my old suits for bug hunting where I might be rubbing on rocks more than usual. So my first suit I just rinsed without the enzyme soak (who cares an old suit right?) and then packed it in an old dive bag in my damp garage. Not a good idea. My second wetsuit is rolled up in a box and stored in the house. I break it out now and then and no problems. I roll it to avoid any hard creases. Seems to work. Hope this helps.