LONGTAILBDA - 6/16/2012 4:04 PM
We’ve been traveling to St Croix for years. Carambola is a great resort and is going through a complete renovation now.

The operator @ Carambola is Sweet Bottom divers. They are an unafilliated shop. Nice folks and the gentleman who runs it, Tony, did my wifes OW cert several years ago. We’ve dove through other shops with these guys over the years, as well.

The other 2 shops that we know and have dived with would be Cane Bay and SCUBA; both great operations and the folks they employee are some of the best. We usually dive with Cane Bay as we know the owners and the instructors well. We also know and have dove with several of the guys at SCUBA and cannot recommend them enough. Quite frankly I don’t think you will be disappointed with any of the shops on island. We have not dove with them all but have socialized with various owners and staff for a very long time. It’s one of the few locations that I’ve dove where all the shops are nice to work with. I started diving a very long time ago.

If you have any specific questions drop me a line. I’m regularly at Dutch and dive offshore when ever possible; if you ever want to meet up give me a yell.


PS I believe scuba is on this forum as well.