Scubagal_godive - 12/28/2012 10:46 AM
Dive Deep With A Higher Calling

Top ten signs that you have been diving too much this summer

10) You have to put your total number of dives in scientific notation.
9) You look back at your logbooks and realize you’ve spent more time at decompression than at work.
8) You’re permanently prune-figured.
7) Your dive log is available on Amazon.com.
6) You have named all the buff bream on your favorite wreck.
5) You worry that your office elevator is ascending too quickly.
4) You’ve stopped logging your dives because it’s easier to just log your surface intervals.
3) Your "time to fly" is measured in months.
2) Your picture appears on fish identification tables.
1) You clear your ears prior to stepping on a down escalator.