GeorgiaGirl: "How valuable is it to have air intergration?"
You know what I like about having an air integrated computer, you can make adjustments in the middle of your dive to get the most out of that particular dive!
Say you’re in Fiji diving on a Bommie, the plan is to keep the dive to no more than 60 minutes, but at only 20 minutes into the dive your computer is telling you that at your current air usage rate your dive will be over in just 20 more minutes. You were really hoping to get in the full 60 minutes that is planned for this dive since this bommie is just covered in gorgeous soft corals and thousands of beautiful fish! So all you have to do to get the full 60 minutes is ascend up the bommie a bit until that number changes from 20 minutes remaining to 40 minutes remaining! Viola! It’s that easy!
You don’t have to make any calculations or guesses about how the current PSI in your tank will equate to bottom time, the computer does that for you!
Hey, you travel ALL the way to Fiji to make these dives, so you want to get every second of bottom time that you can!