wgr21 - 5/04/2016 10:16 PM
When I was in elementary school we had a janitor that did this thing that I could only describe as a mime bit. He would mime like he was threading a needle, he would then put it through the side of his pinky. From there he would thread it through the side of his ring finger. The whole thing of course was very animated. From there he would pull the thread so that it would pull his pinky over to his ring finger and then go through his middle finger and then his pointer finger pulling it all together as he would go. From there he would go down through his thumb. He would then pull down on the string and then let up so that his hand would move like a puppet mouth opening and closing. It sounds childish and silly but he would do it at lunch and everyone would stop eating and watch every time he did it. We were fascinated by the whole bit. You could also google other basic mime bits on youtube for other ideas. Good luck and thanks for volunteering your time to help your community.