GenoMc - 2/18/2009 1:24 PM
My scariest diving moment was during a drift dive in Cozumel. We were diving the Santa Rosa wall, and this being my first wall dive and first drift dive, I was sooo amazed at this mountain i was gliding by that i didn’t keep an eye on my depth! I finally looked at my gauges because i was finding it a little hard to draw air. When i checked my gauges i was at 130 ft and almost out of air!! When i looked up, the dive master and about 5 other divers were about 60 ft above me waving like hell for me to come up! When i finally reached the dive master we had to buddy breath until we surfaced. I had never been so ashamed and afraid in my life!! I tipped the dive master 40 bucks and then told him and the other divers how sorry i was for ruining their dive!!