herefishyfishyfishy - 3/16/2009 5:08 PM

My moments... my first dive trip January this year, went to Cancun with my husband and I was soooo excited! My first dive did not go so well, I had a lot of trouble desending due to my ears. After the dive I could not get back on the boat, I kept getting smashed around by the swells. I didn’t do the 2nd dive because I was sea sick and to busy tossing my cookies. The 3rd dive, once down to about 60 feet, 5 minutes into the dive I was not able to breathe. I did not panic (surprisingly), I found the dive master and he was kind enough to share air with me and take me to the surface. Once back on the boat he suggested I turn my air on ALL the way next time. But none of that was the scary part... the scary part was trying to figure out a way to tell my husband I don’t think this scuba thing is for me after just spending $2500 on new equipment!!

But I didn’t have to. My dive master was great. He insisted I get back in the water and he stayed very close by on the next dive, which was only to 35 feet. He was was very attentive of me the rest of the week and made me feel safe. The remaining 4 dives that week went very well with no more issues! Now I am looking forward to my next dive trip in July... back to Mexico.