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Scuba diving jobs in and around Houston Texas
stevenmckelvey1988 - 9/22/2014 1:10 PM
Category: Jobs
Replies: 3

Does anyone know of any scuba diving jobs in or around the Houston area? I’m an advanced open water diver through Padi and SSI. I have my deep water, limited vid and night, navigation, and search and recovery certifications. I recently applied at The Aquarium downtown. I took a 65 question test and missed 6 questions and the guy wouldn’t hire me. I’ve got a year experience with 2 different fishtank/aquarium cleaning companies. Any insight, help, knowledge or leads would be greatly appreciated. I want to do what I love, and love what I do.
dalehall - 9/23/2014 6:21 AM
Although there is never too much money in diving for a living (unless you are a commercial diver) to start working in the dive industry, I would offer this small bit of advice.. Stop wasting your money collecting cards and further your dive ratings.. Don’t get a bunch of specialty ratings that, honestly, mean nothing to anyone except you, and go get your Rescue Diver, Divemaster and above certs. Companies will be more interested in hiring "Pros" than they will card collectors. I was lucky enough to get hired on with a company a couple years ago to work as a safety diver with a TV production company for a few weeks. Prerequisite for that job was a minimum rating of Rescue Diver. They wouldn’t even consider people with a lower rating than that. Just a bit of friendly advice I can offer you. Good luck with it.
WarmWaterTurner - 9/23/2014 6:54 AM
+1 with moving into the professional side. I would strongly encourage nothing less than a Dive Master level but to be honest you really need to be looking at an Instructor level - one thought to keep in mind is that all these professional levels come at a cost. I believe that I have spent somewhere in the range of about $2,500.00 so far getting from Master Diver to my current status of ITC. No to mention it has taken a couple of years in the doing.