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Getting back in the water - Thinking about spearfishing...
NavyNuke - 8/02/2017 5:51 AM
Category: New Diver Q&A
Replies: 3

I have a very dated PADI Basic Open Water certification and have not had SCUBA gear on my body for years. I am looking for a refresher course (if they exist). From there I would like to continue logging dives, taking advanced courses, and giving spearfishing a try. So, my questions are many but I will keep it simple. Geographically I am in the Monterrey Bay area of California.

1. Can someone recommend a refresher course in my area or should I just consider myself a beginner and start with the Basic course?

2. I am putting my kit back together and l am looking at BCD’s. I hear good things about the Wing style and would like to see if there are any dissenting opinions out there. I never was a fan of the squeeze I felt with a conventional BCD.

3. As far as underwater hunting is concerned I have always been fascinated with spearfishing. I am hesitant to go that route because I think my area has way too many exclusions/restrictions on that method. Does anyone have any experience with spearfishing in NORCAL?

Eric_R - 8/02/2017 6:44 AM
Hi NavyNuke,
Go to this page
and enter
Monterey Bay, California, USA

In the left hand side will be listed several resources available to you in the area. Depending on how long you’ve been out of scuba diving and your retention of skills, will determine your direction. Your local dive shop should be able to assess your needs for continued education.
NavyNuke - 8/05/2017 2:26 PM
I will be looking in the South Bay area for a refresher course. If anyone knows of a good instructor I would appreciate the info.

CharlesGraves - 6/20/2018 2:43 AM
1) yes they have refresher courses. Google it. Also you can save money and YouTube tips and practice on your own (ideally with s buddy)

2) My favorite BCD is the TUSA wing style BCD. It has pockets like a vest but the air is all behind you. It’s really good- excellent reliable inflator and deflate valve, integrated weights with quick release, good quality durable material etc. I got mine for only $260 and it was a bargain.

3) Florida is awesome for spear fishing. California is too liberal and Nazi esque