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Black Diamond BCD
ScubaGary - 8/27/2017 10:48 PM
Category: New Diver Q&A
Replies: 4

I am finally working on getting my PADI Open Water certification.
I have purchased most of my equipment and am working with an old Seaquest Black Diamond BCD

I am encountering problems with it rolling and doesn’t seem to inflate equally (left side more than the right). This is effecting not only when I swimming, but even my surface skills as well.

I know it is backfill, but is this normal?
CharlesGraves - 6/22/2018 12:04 AM
Doesn’t sound normal. In general I’ve had very good luck with a TUSA back inflate BCD. Only about $260, excellent, good deflator and inflator hose with an orange button, it’s made in a way that it “sticking” is almost impossible (hard to describe), and it has integrated weights with quick release. It also has a good bladder, 2 tank straps, and is comfortable with 2 good pockets and 4 straps in front to put other gear like lights or reels
joe_bird - 2/03/2019 2:25 PM
I see I am a little late to the party on this one, but since I have the Apeks version of this BCD (Black Ice) I figure I should throw in my two cents. I know this exact problem you’re talking about because I experience it to this day and continue to compensate for it myself. Colliam7 is entirely right about this being a better BCD for diving doubles due to the lift and subsequent size of the bladder required for that lift.

I began noticing when diving with this BCD that I would struggle to stay streamlined and with my front side parallel to the floor, often rolling to one side or the other. To compensate for this requires having your weight well trimmed and distributed, having good buoyancy skills, and great comfort in the water. To compensate I just do a quick roll to the opposite side that I am being pulled to to shift the air pocket in the bladder and redistribute it a bit better. When you do this, you should hear the air shift in the bladder and when you get good at it, this issues tends to not be a worry because it just becomes second nature.