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Dive sites for 14 yo around Houston area
BFrog4211 - 11/18/2017 12:49 PM
Category: New Diver Q&A
Replies: 4

I have a 14 year old that has taken to diving really well. Unfortunately, she’s limited to 40 feet until August when she turnes 15, then I can get her in an advanced class.

Until then, I need places to take her to keep her interested other than Blue Lagoon in Huntsville. I’d like shore access and good vis, with stuff she can photograph.

Suggestions please....
Eric_R - 11/18/2017 1:26 PM
Have you done a search on Scuba Earth?
BFrog4211 - 11/22/2017 11:04 AM
We dive blue lagoon now. Was looking for somewhere else. There’s not much to see...I’ve used scuba earth, but I’m just looking at a map.
BNTC - 7/30/2018 4:29 PM
You might check 288 lake or Lake Longhorn. Longhorn is about 25 ft. Wrecks and swim throughs. Viz can be low at times but still fun. There is usually a group there on Saturdays.