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Contacts While Diving?
oceanfloor - 1/13/2016 8:24 PM
Category: Health & Safety
Replies: 12

Anyone wear their contacts while diving? What’s been your experience with this? If you do wear them while diving, what type do you have? Daily wear, extended wear, etc?
xracr96 - 1/13/2016 9:01 PM
I use dailies and toss them when I get home. I considered a prescription mask, but then one day I might need a backup mask. Really drives the cost up. Plus what happens when your prescription changes. I know it’s probably a risk, but contacts for me. I dive with a few others that are the same. I don’t know anyone with a prescription mask.
oceanfloor - 1/13/2016 9:56 PM
I have 3 prescription masks (sea-vision) I recently started wearing contacts again and would really like to try diving with them. I don’t bother changing my prescription mask when my vision changes. As long as I can locate the boat and read my gauges, I’m happy. I wear the 14 day contacts right now but may get some dailies for diving so I can pitch them each day.
Eric_R - 1/14/2016 7:08 AM
My son dives with contacts. His vision isn’t bad enough without them that he would be able to function so I think it’s fine. I think it’s not only matter of personnel preference but the type of environment your diving in.
xracr96 - 1/14/2016 9:32 AM
That does add a valid point. I have been wearing contacts for 18 years. I have not lost one during mask recovery or clearing the mask. I guess all those years of losing them in the pool and at the beach paid off. Also as a cheap insurance, I keep 2-3 spares in my save a dive kit.
sandman2053 - 1/14/2016 11:05 AM
I dive with a prescription mask, and although my prescription has changed quite a bit, I’m still using the mask I bought in 1985 when I started diving. I do want to get a new one as my biggest issue is I have been in bifocals for the last 5-6 years and have issues reading now. As far as diving with contacts, as stated it really comes down how bad will you be, if your mask floods.
oceanfloor - 1/14/2016 12:43 PM
Thanks, that’s what I wanted to learn. It’s doable but not always a perfect choice.
DiveBuddyChgo - 1/14/2016 7:51 PM
No problem wearing contacts while diving. Never lost any while diving either in 800 + dives. Why not get cataracts surgery with the prescription in the new lens. It’s considered a surgery so it should be covered by health insurance. I only have readers in my mask now.
TheMythicalCaveFill - 1/14/2016 8:44 PM
I dive with contacts and I don’t use daily wear ones. You learn how to not loose them when your face is under water, mostly by not opening your eyes enough for them to come out. Way cheaper then a rx mask.
Lugnut09 - 1/15/2016 8:54 AM
I dive with my contacts. They are 2 week disposable contacts. I have never had a problem diving with them. I just close my eyes if my mask starts to flood or if I need to remove my mask. I have done many mask removals with my contacts in and not lost them. I would still be able to complete my dive if for some reason I was to lose my contacts. Everything would be blurry far away but I could safely end my dive.
ChuckH - 1/22/2016 10:44 AM
I have a prescription mask, better vision with the mask than with my glasses.
I have never tried wearing contacts..