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Something to read before you attempt to dive beyond your training.
JeffNColdWater - 2/12/2018 4:00 PM
Category: Health & Safety
Replies: 3

A pretty good article of the type that should be required reading for OW, AOW, and beyond classes.
Greg - 2/14/2018 12:44 PM
Wow, that girl was VERY lucky. I’m glad the story had a happy ending.
Holovnia1 - 2/15/2018 9:00 PM
I agree, It should be a required read in cert classes
lerpy - 2/17/2018 8:26 AM
Good article, and very true one should not dive beyond cert, and certainly should never venture into a cave without training. It’s scary seeing people that do. Thankfully for this girl Edd is a hell of a cave diver, and knows those caves like the back of his hand. He has some interesting stories that are great to hear and provide a learning experience.