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Recommend a good book?
Ashlee - 4/18/2010 6:59 PM
Category: Books & Videos
Replies: 6

I am trying to find a good book for a gift. Looking for something that lists "Must see dives" or similar. I just purchased one on rock climbing sites and am having a real hard time finding one for diving. Thanks for the suggestions!!
TColJeep - 4/18/2010 7:48 PM
Check out "Fifty Places To Dive Before You Die" by Chris Santella.
badintexas - 4/20/2010 11:21 AM
Awesome suggestion. I was going to try and find something on amazon to suggest but that sound like a good one. Plus, father’s day is coming up and I know that our kids would love to get that for Greg.. ok.. shh! 
Gini - 4/23/2010 10:58 PM
Well, this isn’t a dive travel book, but you could start a collection of the Ned DeLoach/Paul Humann fish/critter/coral identification books. You’ll use them and treasure them always!
Ashlee - 4/27/2010 6:03 PM
Got this one - thanks for the suggestion!
Emsdiver28341 - 5/01/2010 10:21 AM

A must read book is Diver Down by Mike Ange.....