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How many years have you been SCUBA diving ?
Smithsgold - 10/16/2017 3:12 PM
Category: Survey
Replies: 54

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DarrenBach - 1/08/2021 5:26 PM
[Choose #5] Late ’50’s as a 1st reg was 2-hose with a Hope/Page mouthpiece.
bsharp117 - 5/16/2018 3:56 PM
[Choose #5] got certified in ’83, the horse coller days
Diving_Granpa - 2/27/2018 3:30 AM
[Choose #5] 1973
Starky - 12/21/2017 3:29 PM
[Choose #2] 3 years but in that time I only have about 20 dives. Need to move somewhere warmer.
Curtis - 10/28/2017 10:33 AM
[Choose #4] a few months shy of answer #5
Diver_Diva - 10/24/2017 11:39 AM
[Choose #4] Basic cert in 2000, AOW cert in 2011.
ram04769 - 10/18/2017 5:46 PM
[Choose #2] I’d thought about it and wanted to for over 30 years. But, I’m afraid I have to say just over 2 and a half years so far.
ScubaSteve63 - 10/18/2017 12:47 AM
[Choose #5] 1979. My mother asked if wanted to learn how to surf or scuba dive. I chose wisely.
Scott_R - 10/17/2017 10:46 PM
[Choose #5] 23 years. I barely feel much older than 23. Diving keeps you young!
LatitudeAdjustment - 10/17/2017 3:28 PM
[Choose #5] Time flies when you are having fun :) Started in the 60’s certified in 71 but there was a 10 year gap for raising kids
DMDave - 10/17/2017 5:43 AM
[Choose #5] I still feel the same joy of diving a new site as I did diving for the first time in 1977.
RenegadeRanch - 10/16/2017 9:39 PM
[Choose #3] First Dive in 2007
BeekeeperGreg - 10/16/2017 7:37 PM
[Choose #5] Miss the Horse Collar days, 1980 seemed like yesterday, don’t blink.
Eric_R - 10/16/2017 5:53 PM
[Choose #5] Over 30 now. I just hope I can do another 30.LOL
ArtR - 10/16/2017 4:54 PM
[Choose #5] goes by quick
GreggS - 10/16/2017 4:41 PM
[Choose #2] Been certified since June, 2014. Had actually done 3 resort dives over prior 10 years or so.
Kamdive - 10/16/2017 3:19 PM
[Choose #2] First Dive was in 2014
Smithsgold - 10/16/2017 3:14 PM
[Choose #3] Started in 2007