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Surface Air Consumption (SAC and RMV) Calculator
Greg - 1/21/2012 3:25 PM
Replies: 3

Can a few of you review my SAC/RMV calculator for accuracy? If you have calculations you’ve done in the past, use this calculator and tell me if you get the same results:

Soon I’ll have several scuba diving calculators to choose from.

Thank you,

caves4me - 1/22/2012 8:35 AM
Same results in gas calculations!
WarmWaterTurner - 1/23/2012 9:17 AM
Nice! I did two sets of calculations - all good. On the second i went to a 50 cubic foot just for fun and it was correct. Another formula that I use frequently is the weight change when moving from fw to sw (pool to saltwater). Total weight .025= weight difference required. Seems lots of student are always asking "How much more weight for ocean diving?"
JohnnyHeavens - 1/30/2012 12:44 PM
Works fine for me. Cool, tool!