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HELP. Cannot clean my mask.
Roaronga - 4/27/2018 11:35 AM
Category: Training
Replies: 6

Hello! I’m very new to scubadiving. I have recently started my PADI OW course. So far I have only had 2 pool lessons and I’m thinking to give up already.
I’m not able to clean my flooded mask. If it’s 30-40% full, then I usually manage to clean it with 2 nose-exhales. But whenever there is more water or if the mask is fully flooded, I simply cannot clean it.
I’ve read many online articles and forums and tried some exercises in the bathtub.
I really try to focus on breathing from my mouth only, but at some point I always make the same mistake and cannot keep the water from going into my nose and down my throat, forcing me to quickly reach the surface and start coughing like crazy :(

Any advise? Is there a way to learn this skill? Should I keep trying and maybe I will see some positive results soon?
Or are some people simply not able to "close" their nose while underwater?
At the moment I really feel frustrated and disappointed and all my excitement about becoming a scubadiver is quickly disappearing

Thanks in advance for your help/suggestions
LatitudeAdjustment - 4/27/2018 12:21 PM
From LatitudeAdjustment: Your tub is not deep enough to have your head at the right tilt and the water goes up your mask!

Opps, Up your nose!
Eric_R - 4/27/2018 10:41 PM
A lot of people struggle with this skill. There are many things that can contribute to you having problems. If it’s flooding often and your having problems clearing it, it may not fit you correctly. To get comfortable with nose breathing under water try putting your face in water without the mask and blow bubbles out your nose. After that try it with the mask. You can do this in a sink or tub. After that do the skills in a pool in an upright position. The person I got certified with struggled and we did this several times and they finally lost that nose plugging need while under water.
sdweller - 4/29/2018 12:28 PM
Obviously you know the "technique" now...but repetition might be the answer for you...just keep working on it in the pool until you get it.
Jossey - 5/10/2018 3:40 PM
As above make sure it’s the right mask for you. Can you put it against your face without the strap and inhale through your nose and hold it on your face with just the nose breath.

A mask is so important. Clearing a mask is not that easy and it’s something I used to practice in the pool sat on the bottom for hours.

Your mask shouldn’t just fill up unless your smiling or laughing that gets mine full.

Just practice but if it fills up on its own it may be too tight or just the wrong mask for you.
Roaronga - 5/20/2018 9:07 AM
Thanks guys! I have learnt how to clear my mask ;) I still not feel 100% with this task, but it will get better with some more practice !