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Best Speargun?
CallieJax - 2/20/2013 9:50 AM
Replies: 4

I am about to purchace a new speargun and am wondering which is the best to use. I am looking at the ocean rhino 5 with light and kill package.Any opinions on what I should get?
Greg - 2/20/2013 10:55 AM
Here are two past forum topics about this that might help:

Also, here is a good article about choosing the right speargun.
CallieJax - 2/20/2013 2:03 PM
As always Greg this site gives more information in on shot than evn Google.
Tiara_270 - 2/23/2013 6:17 AM
Ocean Rhino will be my next choice when ever I get to purchase a new gun. I think they are one of the best on the market!! I use an AB Biller for free shafting and a Riffe for a line gun now.
John_giu - 2/23/2013 9:35 AM

Only because I guy I hunt with swears by them. Well built seem to work.

But them again I have only shot close range on North Atlantic wrecks in low visibility.

It not much to ask of any gun when you are shooting five feet.