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Shipwreck Loran and GPS Coords for NJ, NY, RI, MA, CT
UWnewbee - 1/20/2014 5:38 AM
Replies: 4
UWnewbee - 1/20/2014 5:45 AM
Its does state that these coords might not be accurate. and since its copyrighted 2006 I’m sure that alot of the coords have changed as storms have passed through
LatitudeAdjustment - 1/20/2014 5:57 AM
From UWnewbee: Its does state that these coords might not be accurate.

Interesting that it list the Caryru twice and NOAA says the tanker has never been found, there is no wreck at the US Navy or U-boats numbers :(
UWnewbee - 1/20/2014 6:03 AM
From LatitudeAdjustment: Interesting that it list the Caryru twice and NOAA says the tanker has never been found, there is no wreck at the US Navy or U-boats numbers :(
Ray thats the same as the U-869, that was supposed to be according to records sunk off the coast of africa and here it lies off the coast of N.J.
RichKeller - 3/22/2014 7:36 AM
Here are a few other links you may find useful.

- - World dive site atlas

GPS and Loran Shipwreck Coordinate List New York, New Jersey and New England’s

Scuba Diving - New Jersey & Long Island New York - dive Wreck Valley - Dive Sites - Long Island - West Chart

Hunting New England Shipwrecks

Loran TDs for Shipwrecks

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