Open ROV
Eric_R - 1/30/2017 2:42 PM
Replies: 6

Has anybody bought an Open ROV yet? Their newest version looks promising.
ram04769 - 1/30/2017 5:09 PM
Pretty neat machine!
LatitudeAdjustment - 1/30/2017 7:00 PM
Care full with that site, Malwarebytes is saying it’s not secure
Eric_R - 1/30/2017 10:11 PM
That site is fine
divingbear - 2/02/2017 7:33 PM
Have not used one but I found one in a local lake (lake George) this past summer...
The owner (after I found him) loves the units and has multiples, great company for support in my part finding the owner and returning it to him.
Eric_R - 2/03/2017 6:46 PM
That’s awesome. I was really thinking about getting one.
wolfman001 - 1/25/2018 10:29 PM
This underwater drone is quite interesting!!!!!!!!Diving and operating in 100 meters deep with 4K Camera. Hit the link rediscover the sea with FIFISH :goo.gl/XCX8eu