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Profile Comments > Scubadad2
txdamselfish - 3/04/2022 9:53 AM
Hi ScubaDad 🤿 Tell me your fav place to dive and fav thing to see?
cjp1018 - 12/06/2020 12:09 AM
Brent, I’ve been wondering about the inland diving in the places I love to visit in winter for Snowboarding! There’s not much snow yet, and I know the La Nina season won’t be good to us, but I will be traveling out west in a couple weeks, will have my dive gear with me and will be interested in checking out inland and coastal dives west of the Rockies. Let me know if you have any favorite places or interest in getting out your cold weather exposure suit and exploring.
smilingseahorse - 4/29/2020 2:01 AM
Hi Brent! Thanks for the add. All the best from thailand.
Let me know if you ever plan to go diving this way!
ScubaDoing - 11/07/2017 10:47 PM
Hi ScubaDad2, Thanks for the add.
kendawwwg - 6/07/2017 10:02 AM
INVITE: going to try blue on sunday , forcast was looking really good with a 30 high temp drop ,it now appears Monday is the coldest day ,but other dive buddy only has sunday off
still a good temp drop on sunday ,an wind an 20,might knock to bugs down? KEN
Alam - 1/04/2017 5:59 PM
Thanks for the add
Smithsgold - 5/01/2016 6:47 PM
happy Birthday !!!
Scubadad2 - 5/19/2016 8:18 PM
Thanks! I got busy and forgot to check the comments!
Smithsgold - 5/20/2016 2:17 PM
well all’s good hope you get to dive soon !!!
ScubaPhile - 3/23/2016 10:21 PM
Let me know if you ever come to Texas. And just out curiosity which branch did you retire from? I’m currently in the navy.
Scubadad2 - 4/29/2016 11:21 AM
Army and National Guard.
thunder76021 - 10/08/2015 8:47 PM
Hi Brent.. Thanks for the add...
Scubadad2 - 4/29/2016 11:34 AM
I am osteoporosis never use my phone to get on Dive Buddy. It seems I missed your post of 6 months ago. Sorry and thank YOU.
dsp - 7/22/2015 6:54 AM
thanks for the add brent! we’re in neighboring states, so i’ll try to visit you guys soon to log some dives over in utah. ;) cheers.
Scubadad2 - 9/17/2014 2:26 PM
I made a 92% on the following quiz:
Solo (Self-Reliant) Scuba Diver Quiz
Greg - 5/08/2014 11:55 AM
Happy Birthday Brent!
Scubadad2 - 5/09/2014 7:44 PM
Sonya - 4/27/2014 8:40 AM
Hi Thanks for the add!! :)
Scubadad2 - 5/11/2014 4:41 AM
The pleasure is mine.
Scubadad2 - 9/30/2013 12:11 PM
I made a 90% on the following quiz:
Shark Identification Quiz
Greg - 5/08/2013 6:37 AM
Happy Birthday!
Scubadad2 - 5/08/2013 9:14 AM
Thanks! Have a Great Week, and yes to the rating of divers/pros IF they are offering service.
Mtnsunlite - 5/24/2012 8:10 AM
Thanks for the Birthday wishes (6 months ago). I wish this site would push messages to my email, I never log in to the site. Hope you’re having a great spring and happy diving!

Scubadad2 - 5/24/2012 5:29 PM
You can get them to show in your email. If you click on your name on the right and click edit account in the box you will be able to check a box that says notify in email. Anyway have a super 1/2 past birthday! Brent
badintexas - 3/08/2011 12:30 PM
Brent, Thank you for your upgrade to LifeTime membership. Greg and I really appreciate your supporting DiveBuddy and we’re so glad that you enjoy the site so much! Have a great day!! Becky