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Dive Site Comments > Bonne Terre Mine
johnnyjo - 11/25/2019 8:35 PM
I went scuba diving here on 11/23/2019. Average viz: 121-130ft/37-40m. Water temp: 50-55°F/10-13°C.
lwiezorek - 12/16/2018 1:37 PM
I had a bad experience with the management about four years ago. I had signed up for AOW classes and "THEY" canceled the class. They refused to refund my money. It took me a few months arguing with them to finally get a refund. They wanted to reschedule to a date after I needed the certification.
Nitediver - 3/11/2017 12:16 PM
I went scuba diving here on 9/5/2009. Average viz: Over 150ft/46m. Water temp: 50-55°F/10-13°C.
ScubaPeeDee - 10/11/2016 8:14 AM
I just dove Bonne Terre for a 2nd time Oct 8-9, 2016. It may be cold but viz was 100ft+. Just remember, you need to bring all your equipment down into the mine and what you bring down, you have to bring up!

There are many trails and ones that will take you down to "The City". You work your way up sequentially so, this past trip I led, we dove Trails 1-5. When we go back, we will dive Trails 6-10, etc. I believe the City starts on Trail 19 or 20.
ronbakardi - 7/27/2016 4:29 PM
Rating Added: 5
What an amazing place! The staff was very helpful and helped make the experience an exciting adventure. The water is crystal clear and the water temperature is a constant 59 degrees Fahrenheit. I will be going back to explore additional trails!
puddle_jumper - 5/11/2016 4:47 PM
Rating Added: 4
I took the first couple of trails but went back again for the treasure hunt.
mapiatko - 2/22/2016 10:35 AM
I went scuba diving here on 2/21/2016. Average viz: 51-60ft/16-18m. Water temp: 56-60°F/13-16°C.
Matt736 - 3/18/2015 3:35 AM
Rating Added: 3
inwardsea - 2/21/2015 10:22 AM
Rating Added: 5
dove in 78
MDW - 2/18/2015 7:33 PM
Space was limited here per comment, so read my 3 comments below in reverse order (which is how I wrote them). I could not fit all my thoughts into one 2000 character comment.
MDW - 2/18/2015 7:31 PM
If you enjoy night, cavern, or cave diving and are not scared to do so without the benefit of your own light source, and if you are willing to suffer through a few mandatory boring dives first, you can get in a few interesting dives. Also, be advised that they only dive Sat & Sun (even on holiday weekends), so you will have to go back a second time to get beyond dive trail 6, so you have to kind of commit to the process before you get to what might be some really interesting dives.
Having been cave trained, I found the concept of trust-me cavern and cave diving without a gold line and without 3 lights a little counterintuitive, but since I am also comfortable in dark overhead environments, I did not really find it too scary. A few of my buddies did, and bailed on some dives (and in the middle of one). I had fun, but probably less than I would have if I had been allowed to dive it right (with a primary and 2 backup lights in a team of 2 or 3 using proper overhead techniques and safeguards). I would have seen a lot more and felt more at ease and less overcharged.
Hawkeye54 - 8/27/2015 10:36 AM
Understand that the "no light rule" is in place to keep divers from wandering off on their own, or distracting the guides from leading the tours. Each tour is precisely organized over distance, depth, and time to meet the average diver’s SAC/RMV rate. This is not a con, in my eyes, but a safety and logistics aspect. Happy diving! :)
MDW - 2/18/2015 7:31 PM
It gets about a 3 for facilities. The locker room was nice and warm, but the lounge, the restrooms, and the shed at the top of the entry point were pretty chilly when I was there last weekend (Feb 14-15). It was pretty hard to warm up between dives. There is no free water or pretzels included in your $70 per dive fee, as many of us have come to expect on boat dives in this price range, but they will gladly sell you snacks and beverages in the lounge. The coffee and hot cider they were selling were empty pretty much all weekend, so in reality you had to trudge across the street and around the corner to the nearest (only) coffee shop for a hot bev.
Finally, let’s say 4 for efficiency. They managed to interleave groups of 12 getting in and out of the water at the same time (A gets out as B gets in, then B gets out as A gets in). On the days I was there they had as many as 60 divers doing 2 or 3 dives between 8 a.m. and 5 p.m. They’ve got the queuing down to a science.
So 1+4+3+4 averages out to a 3 overall.
MDW - 2/18/2015 7:30 PM
Rating Added: 3
Actually, I’d like to give it a few separate ratings:
For dive policies, I give it a 1. You will spend the entire first day of your first visit doing absolutely terrible dives because they don’t take into account certifications and experience, but rather force everyone to take dive trails 1, 2, 3 in order. These are all fairly boring dives, so your first $210 is wasted. Furthermore, it is next to impossible to see anything on most dives because the policy is no lights on any dive. Really, cavern diving with a dozen people who have no lights and one guide who does? Ridiculous! Also, they will charge an extra $25 a day to rent weights.
For actual environment, I give it a 4. There really is a lot of cool stuff down there. When you stay right next to the dive guide and look where he shines the light, you will see cool stuff (after you get to dive 3 or 4, that is). Also, when you get out from the overhead sections and have some ambient light from the overhead spotlights, there are some nice views. It can be like swimming through a canyon.
flyinb - 1/24/2015 9:15 PM
I went scuba diving here on 1/3/2015. Average viz: 31-35ft/9-11m. Water temp: 56-60°F/13-16°C.
Hawkeye54 - 1/27/2015 8:29 AM
Only 31-35’ visibility? You must’ve been with a large group of bottom-dwellers: It’s been 80+ every time I’ve been, with exceptional days where viz is limited only by available light. Regardless, did you enjoy the dives? :)
mdiver14 - 11/18/2014 5:47 PM
I went scuba diving here on 11/16/2014. Average viz: 131-140ft/40-43m. Water temp: 56-60°F/13-16°C.
TravisL - 7/31/2014 2:50 PM
I went scuba diving here on 7/26/2014. Average viz: 101-110ft/31-34m. Water temp: 56-60°F/13-16°C.
Good dives. Very cold clear water. Being underground with dimed lighting is a very unique feeling. Much of the old mining equipment is still there under water. Had a couple in the group that realized they were closter phobic in that environment and couldn`t finish. Know your equipment well.
nomad-diver - 7/08/2014 9:15 AM
Awesome dive, but not for everyone, know what you’re getting into before you go. Water is very cold, need a dry suit or 7mm with hood and gloves. Viz is 100+ feet, but most of the trails are dark, varying from dusk-like illumination to pitch black. Trails vary from cavern to cave to tunnel: in open areas, its like swimming in a flooded canyon. In more restricted spaces, it’s a lot like wreck penetration diving. Tour groups can have 12 divers plus lead and trail guides: depending on diver skill level, you’ll get kicked or bumped. Been there twice, saw a lot of people quit ’cause they couldn’t cope with the above. If go prepared, you’ll get four, 45-50 minute dives in one of the world’s most unique dive spots.
leenorth - 6/29/2014 5:37 AM
Rating Added: 4
Exceptionally clear water.
adventuregrrl929 - 1/02/2014 8:46 PM
Rating Added: 4
Unique dive site with great visibility - very exciting! But COLD!!
ohioyscuba - 10/28/2013 9:24 AM
Rating Added: 5
Unique dive. Lots of fun except for the trek back up the stairs with wet gear.