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Dive Site Comments > USCG DUANE
oceanbound - 8/28/2019 11:21 PM
Rating Added: 4
went in 2009
sdweller - 12/27/2017 10:46 AM
Always been my favorite wreck down here in Key Largo...even compared to the Spiegel Grove! The way it sits upright in white sand bottom, usually bow to the current, with giant Barracudas hanging off the bow head to the same current...hard to beat for wrecks!
divercharles - 6/30/2017 4:31 PM
Rating Added: 5
I love the USCG Duane! The wildlife, the visibility, the bowels of the wreck, all outstanding. Been here several times and every time is always a blast. Been here at night too, and the experience was simply indescribable.
kmasilamani - 6/02/2017 6:59 PM
I went scuba diving here on 5/29/2017. Average viz: 61-70ft/19-21m. Water temp: 66-70°F/19-21°C.
First dive for a two tank AM start. Current was very strong.. made it very difficult at the bottom. Bottom time less than 20min .. was disappointed as the dive guide kept trying to get us to once side of the wreck, but the current was very strong, so we cut the dive short.
todd999 - 8/15/2016 9:27 AM
Rating Added: 5
A must see wreck
Lacolombiana - 7/22/2016 12:10 AM
I went scuba diving here on 7/8/2016. Average viz: 61-70ft/19-21m. Water temp: 76-80°F/24-27°C.
There was almost no current this time around! We did a couple of swim throughs before someone in our group cut our dive short. He had a leak or something and ended up with 500psi while we were still at around 100ft underwater! Our guide was trying to tell my boyfriend that he and I could stay down to continue our dive since he knows we know what we’re doing, but my boyfriend misunderstood and we ended up coming up with the rest of the group. I was able to get my picture taken with the flag before we left though!
Lacolombiana - 7/21/2016 11:59 PM
Rating Added: 4
I’ve been to this site a few times. The visibility is great. Sometimes the current can get rough, but it’s a great dive!
Nitediver - 2/21/2016 8:02 AM
Rating Added: 4
Lots of life. Lots of growth. Biz could be better.
Dima - 6/06/2015 1:19 PM
Rating Added: 5
Amazing dive site for proficient divers.
ellishugh - 1/01/2015 7:13 PM
I went scuba diving here on 12/30/2014. Average viz: 101-110ft/31-34m. Water temp: 71-75°F/22-24°C.
SharkyDiver - 8/11/2014 9:13 AM
Rating Added: 4
Nice wreck. Katherine the Great White seems to like the boat.
Seadragon - 1/30/2014 2:48 AM
I went scuba diving here on 9/28/2006. Average viz: 41-50ft/12-15m.
Reduced vis and a little bit of current bow to stern. Big goliath grouper who was not bashful. Lots of fish. Big barracudas around the crow’s nest. Had to air share with another diver who lost her buddy. Lost weight pocket getting back on the boat!!
dbthurber - 9/05/2013 3:39 AM
Rating Added: 3
I like this wreck.
Corr - 5/31/2013 11:23 AM
I went scuba diving here on 3/10/2012. Average viz: 31-35ft/9-11m. Water temp: 76-80°F/24-27°C.
deepdr - 5/08/2013 8:18 PM
Rating Added: 5
Great Wreck!
DMDave - 10/15/2012 5:12 AM
Rating Added: 5
One of my first dives on the Duane was shortly after it was sunk as an artificial reef, back then it didn’t have any growth on it yet.
Now it is completely covered with all kinds of growth and sealife and it still remains one of my favorite wrecks.
Hawkeye54 - 9/11/2012 1:53 PM
Rating Added: 5
Prettiest dive of my 8-day Florida Keys trip!
jcobb62 - 8/08/2012 3:55 PM
I went scuba diving here on 8/4/2012. Average viz: 81-90ft/25-27m. Water temp: 76-80°F/24-27°C.

2nd cerification deep dive. Barracuda everywhere!!
IhanaKuu - 7/06/2012 11:07 AM
Rating Added: 5

It was the PERFECT wreck dive!

The moment we jumped into the water we saw the entired wreck and no current either

it was just AMAZING! Barracudas, a moray eel sticking out of a port hole and a school

of snook hangging about the was like a dream!
DEWITT03 - 7/06/2012 12:23 PM
yeah the Duane is a good dive. i have dove on it many of times but only one time with no curent
kevin9365 - 3/06/2012 1:18 PM
Rating Added: 5
tons of life. we had no current for our dive here.