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Photo Comments > black rashguard idea
DiveArtist - 2/01/2009 12:01 AM
One more thing, I would keep the logo on the front small and larger on the back. Although maybe not quite as large as you have it.
DiveArtist - 1/31/2009 11:59 PM
I like the black one or the blue but I wouldn’t put the words down both sleeves. Personally I think I’d prefer it with either now copy on the sleeves or just a small bit across the side of one arm (horizontally rather than vertically). You’ve got a lot going on with logo on the front and large on the back. I don’t think you need it on the sleeve as well.
SoCal_Kevin - 11/27/2008 9:41 PM
This is the one!!!
Smithsgold - 11/25/2008 6:30 PM
The Black one !!!!! Small logo
Mermaid175 - 11/25/2008 11:52 AM

obviously the black one : )

walflour - 11/25/2008 9:00 AM
This is the one I would buy. It goes with everything, hehe... I would like it even better if it had "Who’s your Buddy?" on it, but either way this is the one for me.
psparks60 - 11/06/2008 11:03 AM
I like this one, but I’d put "Who’s your buddy?" on it.
steelheadfish - 10/30/2008 3:01 PM
black! no contest!
kc_moses76 - 10/27/2008 10:55 PM
I like black too! Did you know dark color has sliming effect? He he....
Antonius - 10/18/2008 10:10 PM
I second this and red!
ChimChim - 10/15/2008 4:08 AM
Go black!
Johnx15 - 9/28/2008 6:09 PM
I like Black!
This one has my vote
dempsey358 - 9/26/2008 9:36 PM
black has my vote
TurtleSurf151 - 9/26/2008 12:56 PM
I like this one, clean...
FLOrtiz - 9/18/2008 5:22 PM
I think the black one is more neutral, it could be matched with any other colors. My son likes the Red one, but that is because his gear is all red.
deepsteel - 9/07/2008 9:13 PM
Very DIR ....I like the black
hdperdue - 8/25/2008 4:32 PM
This 1 has my vote! Black is nice and simple!!!
mtmel44 - 8/25/2008 8:33 AM
I like the black. The who’s your buddy is cute.
SubwayDiveCentre - 8/19/2008 7:53 AM
Definately prefer the Black maybe logo can be square and smaller...
scubagirl2 - 8/04/2008 12:54 AM

Black is the new black... I would do a men and women design for this one as I believe it will be very practical for both. I would put the diver flag (rectangle) on the sleeve at both wrists, and "DIVER" written in white at the top - in the back, and the "" on the "pocket" side in the FRONT.
