Tatra Mountains in Poland
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Comments: 7
Tatra Mountains in Poland


Matrafi - 9/21/2012 6:02 AM
Wow so good it looks fake
Great picture
badintexas - 9/12/2012 8:25 AM
Wow. We’ve found the spot to move to Greg. You and I can have the tiny house. We’ll put a tent up for the kids somewhere else!
zielit - 9/11/2012 6:17 AM
It’s a Morskie Oko lake (which can be translated to "Eye of the sea" but it has nothing to do with the sea as the closest one Baltic is 700km or over 400 miles away)

Not much to see there though http://vimeo.com/13832461
Greg - 9/11/2012 8:14 AM
Yet another reason to scuba dive! Did you see all the people on shore in this video? Yet there were only two divers going into the water. Gotta love our sport, so unique, peaceful and fun.
zielit - 9/11/2012 9:55 AM
Well there is always hundreds of people around there. Lake itself is very popular tourist spot. Divers were added attraction for sure though that day.
Kamdive - 9/10/2012 9:36 PM
I like that picture !!
owsi83098 - 9/10/2012 8:08 AM
cool pic