DiveBuddy in snow on car in Texas.
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DiveBuddy in snow on car in Texas.


Magdalena - 1/06/2009 8:01 PM

Okay... lets risk my life, be brave and give Greg 2 stars only for this picture.

When I first saw the little picture amongst the others I thought this was a birthday cake. When I open it I could see what it really is.

Sorry Greg, this picture does not meen a thing for me. I know it doea for you, because you have been working so hard with the site, and it is really great. But nothing in this picture caught my attention, I just wanted to rate some of your picures because they are Yours. There is not life, no colours, no movement in this picture, and I can be without it.

The fun thing with it is that is almost looked like a birthday cake. Did you do that with purpose?

Thanks for a great site, Greg, and for the possibility to rate pictures. I love it.

badintexas - 12/30/2008 11:14 PM
I’m super jealous of the guy who said he’s still looking for his car because of the snow! I wish we had more that time. We probably won’t see it again for a long time unless we travel. Nissan.. I know. GREG.. you should buy me a new car!!! Come on everyone! Protest for me! Just joking. I love my car, it fits us perfectly.
scott - 12/24/2008 12:23 PM
You lucky. I’m still looking for my car in the snow.
nutralbouy - 12/23/2008 4:54 PM
how are you guys enjoying the white stuff, LOL We only have an inch and a bit up here in sothern Ontario, Canada
Greg - 12/23/2008 4:48 PM
I drive a Ford Truck, this is my wife’s car. I do have a Suzuki motorcycle though :)
TimmyP - 12/23/2008 2:48 PM
Way to support america’s automotive makers Greg. haha (is it bad I have a Nissan as well?)