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Photos > houtxboy > Fish
Trumpetfish (Roatan, Honduras)
You want a piece of me?
The shark dive was awesome!
Can you see me???
Spotted Goatfish (Roatan, Honduras)
Spotfin Butterflyfish (Roatan, Honduras)
Sergeant Major (Roatan, Honduras)
One huge Grouper (Roatan, Honduras)
Grey Angelfish (Roatan, Honduras)
Filefish (Roatan, Honduras)
Doctorfish (Roatan, Honduras)
Foureyed Butterflyfish (Roatan, Honduras)
Great Barracuda (Roatan, Honduras)
Caribbean Sharp-nosed puffer
Squirell fish in Roatan, Honduras
Another cool Puffer
Caibbean Reef Shark during the shark dive
Say "Hello" to my little friend...