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Photos > Stef > Divers
Playing with Baby Potato Cods at Cod Hole, Great Barrier Reef, Australia
in the caves of Osprey Reef, Coral Sea, Australia
Diving with big Turtles, Fernando de Noronha, Brazil
Playing with big Turtles, Fernando de Noronha, Brazil
Diving with Sting Rays, Fernando de Noronha, Brazil
Playing with Sting Rays, Fernando de Noronha, Brazil
Diving with Sting Rays, Fernando de Noronha, Brazil
Reef Hook Diving in Palau
Me in the Virgin Blue Hole, Palau
Playing with Baby Potato Cods at Cod Hole
Playing with Baby Potato Cods at Cod Hole
Studying Sea Creatures, Great Barrier Reef, Australia
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