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Photos > heelsfaninpa > Miscellaneous
End of my trip...I had a great time!
Clouds getting darker 2/12/08
Before first dive of day 2/12/08...there wouldnt be a 2nd dive
Brain Coral on Snappers Ledge 2/11/08
On the reef at Snapper`s Ledge.  2/11/08
Full size pic of Sting ray.  Key Largo 2/11/08
Stingray on Snapper`s Ledge.  Key Largo 2/11/08
Snapper`s Ledge in Key Largo 2/11/08
Moray eel from Key Largo trip 2/10/08
Cessna on the island
School Bus...outside
Another Bass...
Fire Truck
Large Mouth Bass near the Fire Truck
My Dive Buddy - Mike
Dutch Springs 10/22/07
Dutch Springs 8_11_07
Epcot 8
Epcot 7
Epcot 6
Epcot 4
Diving at Epcot