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Photos > allisonfinch > Miscellaneous
turtle against the sky
Mimic octopus playing stingray in Lembeh
Nudi from Borneo
Neck crab from Belize
Tubes reaching for the sky in Belize
Belize trumpet fish
Slender filefish from Belize
Indigo hamlet from Belize
Wide view of Belize
Painted frogfish from Lembeh
Yellow pygmy seahorse from Lembeh
Polyps from Lembeh
Hairy frogfish casting its lure in Lembeh
An octo and his shell from Lembeh
Nudi love in Lembeh
hippocampus bargibanti from Raja Ampat
Mantis shrimp from Lembeh
Mandarinfish from Lembeh Strait, Indonesia
Clownfish from Raja Ampat, Indonesia
Sleeping shark from PNG
Blenny from PNG
Japanese tank found off Rabaul, PNG
Leaf scorpionfish from PNG
Cuttlefish from PNG