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Photos > jeff98208 > Miscellaneous
that shark was this big....
the trees sepperating my apartments and i-5 north bound
so much for taking my truck to the dive sight...
lingcod eggs
what!? no diving?????? HOW DARE THEY!!!!!!!!!
color test
one of my dive buddys
from left to right left is kenm and right is sam
a swim by
caught entering the pipe
a solo ratfish
not so shy ratfish
the headless horse is looking for the headless horseman!
my kick arse green belt children with Grand Master Lee
a dogfish, if i are correct, its a type shark. it actually bumped my camera!
heres my little octo,
this is a picture of sam and myself before our dive.
skate: we do see the skate from time to time, its just not very often!
my brother, when we where at 100fsw.
whats the deal with all these lion`s manes in the sound?
a fire in the night