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Photos > scubateer2 > Dive Centers
Aug 24th, A very nice day it was indeed,We thank everyone aboard! The End
Aug 24th, The Fish Reef
Aug 24th, The Fish Reef
Aug 24th, The Fish Reef
Aug 24th, The Fish Reef
Aug 24th, Off for the 2nd dive, headed to The Fish Reef
Aug 24th, Chris,Matthew,Nathan @ Scubateer Island
Aug 24th, Diver in Lake Pleasant, enjoying the dive
Aug 24th, Diver in Lake Pleasant
Aug 24th, Nathan @ Scubateer Island
Aug 24th, Aaron the Instructor of The Scubateers, Watching over divers
Aug 24th, Chris giving a helping hand before arriving to destination
Aug 24th, Karen giving a presentation as we head to Scubateer Island
Aug 24th, Ultimate Dive & Travel,The Scuba Shop, Getting ready to head out to Scubateer Island
Aug 24th, Ultimate Dive & Travel, The Scuba Shop,Private Charter Customers
Aug 24th, Ultimate Dive & Travel, The Scuba Shop,Private Charter Customers
Aug 16th, Ultimate Dive and Travel
Aug 16th, Ultimate Dive and Travel