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Scott from Dania Beach FL | Scuba Diver

Active diver looking for buddies to do some diving. My interests are mainly wreck diving and spearfishing, but as long as I’m diving it’s all good. I also enjoy hunting, snow skiing, camping, fishing, horseshoes, shooting pool, hiking, etc., pretty much anything that involves some type of physical activity.


firehorse5 - 11/23/2011 7:44 PM
Thanks! I’m still hanging around, just been really busy. I don’t spend too much time online these days. :)
Woohooforme - 7/18/2011 8:07 PM
Don’t I know it already. I’ve spent $792 on just equipment so far and still need more. Never mind what the class cost me and what my open water dive testing next month will cost. But it is the most exciting thing I’ve ever done and I’m loving it.
Woohooforme - 7/17/2011 7:30 PM
Aww... that’s sweet.
DeepAddiction - 7/05/2011 9:04 AM
Hey man, not a can’t have to many friends, especially one’s that like to kill shit!!
ScubaDivaBD - 7/01/2011 7:55 PM
Thank you! I appreciate that :)
DeepAddiction - 6/30/2011 7:41 PM
i hear ya...that sucks, im spoiled down here. i have never done anything but freeshaft, from the first day i bought that gun. you ever get down this way, let me know...we can go shoot some stuff.
DeepAddiction - 6/30/2011 7:26 PM
good eye...especially for a pennsylvania guy