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Dave from Mechanicsville VA | Scuba Diver

I’m a low-budget diver. I spend most of my time in a quarry Lake Rawlings Scuba Park where I help with scuba classes (in my divemaster role) and do ecological research (as a consultant for the quarry management). Occasionally I manage to find my way to more exotic locales, such as rivers and sinkholes in Florida, wrecks in Bermuda and off the Outer Banks, and isolated islands in the South Atlantic (Ascension).

One of my most exciting dives was the U-352 off Morehead City, N.C., a wreck I realized I had written about in my first book (Upheaval from the Abyss), and which I flooded my first underwater camera on. I learned from the U-352 that salt water is kind of rough on camera parts and film emulsions.