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Frank from Malibu CA | Scuba Diver

I am a venture capitalist that has taken several new companies public. I have two main interests in life…making money and diving (probably why I’m divorced). Now don’t get me wrong, I know that money isn’t everything, but it does get me to the diving part. I have my own boat (a 16 person yacht), but I love to travel and see new places. Send me a message and lets go diving! /* Change font for basic text */ table, tr, td, p {font-family:Trebuchet MS; color:ffffff; font-size:12px;} /* Add hover blur to linked images */ a:hover img {filter: blur(add=true, direction=30, strength=6); background-color:203270;} /* Change rollover color for hyperlinks */ a:hover{color:f1f1f1;} /* Add background image and change look of scroll bar */ body { background-color:000000; background-attachment: fixed; background-position:center center; background-repeat:no-repeat; border-color:FCD2FC; border-width:0px ; border-style: solid; scrollbar-face-color:80ABD3; scrollbar-highlight-color:ffffff; scrollbar-3dlight-color:80ABD3; scrollbar-shadow-color:3669a2; scrollbar-darkshadow-color:3669a2; scrollbar-arrow-color:ffffff; scrollbar-track-color:010318; } /* Remove table background color and borders */ table td {border: 0px; background-color:transparent;}


CaliforniaKeith - 11/07/2007 1:15 AM
Hey, so what r U doing over the thanksgiving weekend? Doin any diving?