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Dustin from Wittlich Rhineland-palatinate | Scuba Diver

Hey everyone here on DiveBuddy. My name is Dustin, but you can call me SpacemanCraig... long story. I’ve been certified since 2007, but really got into diving in 2014 and have been doing it on the regular ever since. Every chance I get I’m in the water, currently in Central Europe which makes that difficult but slowly exploring what sites the area has to offer.

Quick Diving Resume:

- PADI Master Scuba Diver/Self-Reliant Diver with over three hundred logged dives under my belt

- I have dove in salt and fresh waters with conditions ranging from less than 5’ to 150+ feet visibility and temperatures from 45-90 degrees Fahrenheit.


sandman2053 - 10/10/2015 1:23 PM
Great day today, was nice meeting you....
SpacemanCraig - 10/11/2015 12:22 AM
Nice meeting you as well. Hope we can do it again sometime.