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Elly from Saskatoon SK | Scuba Diver

I am very new to scuba, having only just gotten my open water in 2021 and my advanced open water (PADI) in Mexico in 2022 during my very first ocean swim -ever- in Puerto Vallarta (from the prairies, not a lot of ocean here). I’d like to dive all over but have no diving friends, but I am still earning my diving legs so couldn’t do anything too complicated! I’m a grad student and will probably be in research or academia forever, I love my golf r, my triumph street triple, my fur monsters and trying new things! Also study video games (specifically meaningful encounters with death in video games) so games are close to my heart 🥰. Hoping to make friends and maybe dive in new places with them one day! Wreck dives look the most appealing, (undergrad in archaeology) one day!!! 🤞