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Cindy from Jacksonville NC | Scuba Diver

Well, my screen name says it all, if I aint diving, then I must be cruisin` in my mustang. Ok, ok... then I might be working or at walmart shopping, you got me on that one! I am all about the water, a true water baby. I thoroughly enjoy diving and fishing with my husband, but if he`s too busy, I`ll go with anyone who`s ready to take a dip. I am furthering my career in diving, it is my goal to become an istructor. I have such a great passion for the sport that it is my interest to enthrill it to others. I also enjoy my parrots. I raise parrots, as I have done for 18 years now, yes, since I was 8! The majority of the parrots I raise are macaws; they are the really big colorful guys that are typically found in southern america around belize, brazil or paraguay. Other than that, I am your average gal who is ready to have a great time. I look forward to meeting local divers that I didn`t know exsisted. My husband and I are always excited to meet new divers. We are a fun bunch. He got me into the sport and I am not turning my back on it. I currently spearfish, photograph, wreck dive, and collect items for my fishtank :0)


ncdiver - 8/16/2008 10:07 AM
i dive most weekends . have not seen u all summer . everthing ok . will u b doing the treasure hunt this year?
Hammerhai - 11/04/2007 7:15 AM
WELCOME ABOARD! The treasure hunt was fun. Best viz I have ever seen there.KEEP SKIPPING FOR JOY :)