I’ve got to say this was one of the sharkiest trips I’ve been on so far! We arrive at Guadalupe at around 10am on Oct 12th. We anchored a few hundred feet from shore in Prison Cove. We were in about 200ft of water. A beautiful sunny day! 80 degrees and a slight breeze. The water there is the most amazing blue with over 100ft vis! We got the cages in the water and not 10 minutes later had two sharks! 2 males around 12ft long. One of my most favorite parts of this trip is to see the looks on the faces of the people that are seeing a great white for the first time. They truely are one of God’s most amazing creatures. Everyone was assigned their cages and the diving began! The sharks didn’t disappoint. They went after the hang baits non-stop. We had a couple other sharks come by and visit later in the day. We stopped at sundown and what I suprise I got after dinner! The crew made me the best chocolate homemade birthday cake! Everyone sang happy birthday and it made turning 50 not seem so bad! LOL Sun up the next morning we had sharks, sharks, and more sharks! All day we had action at the hang baits! Usually between 11am and around 1pm there is a lull in the activity, but not this year! We constanty had sharks around and boy were they frisky! Everyone was getting really good video and pictures. At the end of the day most of us were out on the back of the boat enjoying the full moon shining on the water talking, laughing, and telling stories. We had quite a group this year. Ayesha King was my cabin mate for the 5 days. Her husband is Kerry King, lead guitar player for Slayer. We also had a famous photographer and music video director named Dean Karr. There were a few other rock and roll people there too. It was really fun listening to the trials and tribulations of leading the life around rock stars! LOL LOL Kerry King was there to pick up Ayesa after the trip so I got a picture with them. I figured my friends gotta believe me now! LOL The third day of diving was the best day of all. We had quite a few different males all throughout the day but we also got a visit from Big Mama. I’ve seen her on several different trips and her size is truely amazing! I believe she’s about 16ft and as big around as a tank. When she comes around all the smaller sharks leave. When she wanders away, they come right back. We had 3 very frisky males for the last part of the day. They kept the hang bait wranglers on their toes and very busy. The object is to "not" feed the sharks, but these guys were very persistant, going from one hang bait to the other. They did get quite a few snacks! The wrangles just couldn’t pull the baits fast enough. Leaving Guadalupe at just before sunset was a little sad as always. I just hate leaving there. But I know I’ll be back next year! We have a little ritual on the boat.....we watch the movie Jaws. That’s what we did that evening. The crossing on the way back was really smooth. It’s a 22 hour boat ride. Going out was a little rough. We had about 8ft swells. Only 4 of us ate dinner that night. Everyone else was in their cabin. Comming back was as smooth as silk! I got some really good pics this year. I finally went digital! What a pleasure not having to change film! When we got back to San Diego we all traded e-mails. I’ve been getting pics from everyone. It’s fun to see who got what. If anyone wants to go on the trip of a lifetime, I highly recommend www.greatwhiteadventures.com You won’t find a better or more competent Operator than Lawrence Groth and Company. The crew of the Searcher (that’s the boat) are what keep me comming back. They are the greatest! I’ll post some of my better pics. Hope you enjoy!