Anything that draws public attention to goods and services (DiveBuddy Member offers, specials, discounts, promotions).
Having no known name or identity or known source. Discuss tough topics without fear of reprisal. Keep it clean.
Published material related to scuba diving.
Buddy diving is the use of the buddy system by scuba divers and is a set of safety procedures that improve divers' chances of avoiding or surviving accidents in or underwater by diving in a group of two or three divers.
The equipment and tools required for humans to visit the underwater world (regulators, dive computers, bcd's, wetsuits, knives, cameras).
Something that happens at a given place and time.
Anything scuba related that is available for purchase.
Diving to significant depths underwater without the aid of a breathing apparatus.
Anything that does not belong in another category.
nxJp - 9/25/2024 11:27 AM
Questions or discussions related to health and safety while scuba diving (medical issues, personal experiences, things to avoid).
A task or piece of work, especially one that is paid.
Are you a new scuba diver? Post all your questions here.
The art or practice of taking and processing photographs.
Divers working with law enforcement, fire rescue, and search & rescue/recovery dive teams.
Seek the attention or patronage of someone, especially by use of flattery. Keep it clean.
An investigation of the opinions or experience of a group of people, based on a series of questions.
Advanced scuba diving with a technical training edge, including caverns and caves, wreck penetrations and decompression diving.
Methods, procedures or education as it pertains to scuba diving and certification.
The act of going from one place to another (dive trips, vacations).
The activity of hunting wild animals or fish for food or sport (spear fishing).
The process or art of making video films.
Anything related to the functionality or features of DiveBuddy.com.
Greg - 10/31/2023 9:38 PM