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May 21, 22, and 23rd Camping in Key Largo diving with Conch Republic
divergirl4u - 3/24/2010 1:20 PM
Category: General
Replies: 2

May 21, 22, and 23rd Camping in Key Largo diving with ConchRepublic

Bring your family and friends and come join the fun. So far we have 18 divers coming and we would love to have you join us as well.
Please follow the link below to Gold Coast Scuba meet up group and let’s go have some fun!

Nesher - 3/25/2010 4:55 PM
Awww!!! That sounds like fun. Sorry I won’t be able to come along but have a great time all the same.

Nesher - 3/29/2010 8:49 PM
If no one shows up come on over to Silent World. I’m taking some Training courses the very same week as your camping trip. I’d love to dive with you and your group.