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sadfish - 4/27/2010 12:27 AM
Category: New Diver Q&A
Replies: 15

I was just wondering if someone could tell me what I all need to do to get my boat ready so I can dive from it? I do have a ladder that I am installing. what all do I need to take into account?

Thanks, Tim
DeepAddiction - 4/27/2010 8:14 AM
I have a couple questions... What kind of boat? Salt or Fresh Water Diving?
sadfish - 4/27/2010 9:58 AM
salt water
sadfish - 4/27/2010 9:59 AM
Oh it is an Arima you can sort of see it in my photos
divergirl4u - 4/27/2010 12:37 PM

Are you asking about diver comforts or safety devices?

A float on a line for strong currents, gives the divers a place to hold onto while waiting to get on or off the boat.

I am sure you have taken into consideration things like a first aid kit incase of injuries. Correct?
ScubaSteve63 - 4/27/2010 5:04 PM
1- a ladder that has the capacity for a diver in full gear plus ~15%.
2- a method to secure your tanks, one sturdy enough to hold the tanks in place during rough seas.
3 - a few drop lines of varying lengths with snap rings to secure gear/stage bottles/catch bags.
4 - hot water transom shower.
5 - fresh water tank for camera gear if applicable.
6 - oxygen, first aid kit, blankets.
7 - reliable communications, not just a cell phone.
8 - non-skid deck coating.
9 - appropriately sized dive flag and mast.
10 - a proper extendable boat hook and throw-able pfd.
11 - beer.
sadfish - 4/27/2010 10:42 PM
Thanks, It looks like I got some more work to do. I got alot to learn!!
steelheadfish - 4/27/2010 11:00 PM
secure the tanks!!! and have a way to secure ALL gear. Being that your boat it fiberglass west marine makes a rubber or a plastic floor tile that interlocks, it provides good traction and will help save your deck from short tank drops. And again find away to keep all gear stowed or tied in place when not in use. You will find the majority of other boaters do not care you have a dive flag flying, and not only will they call it close, boat wakes have a way of injuring your divers. and use atleat a min of 10 feet of anchor chain (i use 100 feet) and atleat a 7 to 1 scope, of line, It is alot but it is nice to see your boat still anchored were you left it. Good luck and enjoy!
sadfish - 4/28/2010 10:47 AM

Dang, I think the boat can be put off for awhile. I already have over 9000.00 invested in this sport and have not even been certified yet. I still have afew more plane fares and hotels plus missed work to finish.

Thanks alot, Tim
SCUBASMITTY - 4/28/2010 1:49 PM
9 k invested and not certified yet??

now theres a leap of faith ! good on yah 

ditto with everything scubasteve suggested, and I will add a diver recall signal !
RhodeIslandDiver - 4/30/2010 3:45 PM
Another tip, attach a jury line from the stern to the anchor line, this is good in currents to pull yourself to the anchor line and that is what you will follow to the bottom, make sure you are not alone, that should be a given. and once you get to the bottom use a wreck reel, especially in poor vis. and strong currents, this way you can find the anchor line easily and make your assent on that. Be Safe!!
John_giu - 5/01/2010 2:42 PM
From ScubaSteve63: 1- a ladder that has the capacity for a diver in full gear plus ~15%.
2- a method to secure your tanks, one sturdy enough to hold the tanks in place during rough seas.
3 - a few drop lines of varying lengths with snap rings to secure gear/stage bottles/catch bags.
4 - hot water transom shower.
5 - fresh water tank for camera gear if applicable.
6 - oxygen, first aid kit, blankets.
7 - reliable communications, not just a cell phone.
8 - non-skid deck coating.
9 - appropriately sized dive flag and mast.
10 - a proper extendable boat hook and throw-able pfd.
11 - beer.

That would be Lots of Beer. :)
NWKatShark - 5/02/2010 6:28 PM’s a boat.
SCUBASMITTY - 5/02/2010 7:45 PM
let me correct my friend, nwcatshark, lots of rum !hot and buttery
LatitudeAdjustment - 5/03/2010 10:49 AM
From sadfish:

Dang, I think the boat can be put off for awhile. I already have over 9000.00 invested in this sport and have not even been certified yet. I still have afew more plane fares and hotels plus missed work to finish.

Thanks alot, Tim

Sounds like the Barefoot Man’s song, I’m a scuba diver and I got a lot of gear...............All I need is my C-card!
iditaron - 5/09/2010 4:00 PM
Don’t forget lots of Insurance, a dry suit being that you’re in Alaska, a crew (if you are going to run it as a charter - e.g. dive leader, deck hand etc. and a USCG 6 pack/50-ton/100-ton captain’s license) oh yeah and a dive buddy. I would be happy to come up and fill that role. BTW being a displaced Alaskan myself and knowing how much you have already invested, just take a trip down south and get your certification man...take a few weeks get some good dives in and a few specialties then go back up. Lots of good dive centers in California and Arizona (believe it or not).

Oh yeah did anyone mention Beer and Rum?