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Last poll wasn`t to fair
okmister1 - 9/13/2007 5:06 AM
Category: General
Replies: 4

When it comes to the major organizations I figure they`re pretty much equal. NAUI and PADI in particular seem fairly equal from what I`ve seen of the divers. SSI seems decent as well. I haven`t seen much of YMCA and I`ve heard of a few specialized organizations like GUE and such that have very good reputations in their areas. I chose other.
froggiepatrol - 9/13/2007 8:06 AM
I don`t believe that the poll was meant to be fair. But more to find out what the majority here on DiveBuddy prefer. I would guess that most people are only certified with one organization. So naturally they will prefer that one over the others as a default, I did. Just my thoughts.........
Greg - 9/13/2007 6:24 PM
I know the poll wasn`t really fair, sorry about that. I want to find out the general perception. Many students have asked me that question OR they say "I`ve heard xyz scuba organization is better". So I wanted to poll the audience and find out the general consensus. Life isn`t always fair, but we can try to make sense of it anyways :) Thanks for being active on DiveBuddy. Later guys!
Dorkfish - 9/14/2007 2:52 AM
An instructor on SB said it best: The quality of the organization is in-part dictated by the quality of each individual instructor. Just because one instructor is bad or good, this is not a reflection of the organization as a whole as they all fall under the same RSTC standards.
NWKatShark - 9/15/2007 10:29 AM
I`ve done all my training through one organization, though I hesitate to hail it as the "best". You can just look at their websites and figure out that they are all about $$$$$$$. "Go from landlubber to Superpro World Instructor Trainer in 20 minutes, or less!". Still waiting for the organization that promotes something like 250 logged dives before proceeding to next level.