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Dive Rec’s in Punta Cana?
Ashlee - 7/24/2011 11:18 PM
Category: Travel
Replies: 2

We will be in Punta Cana mid-November. Has anyone dived there, and wanting to recommend their dive company?

Or if you are there, want to meet up and do a group dive? :)
badintexas - 7/25/2011 11:03 AM
I’ve never been there but you can check these links out and email the members directly with questions! Take care and when you get back, it would be great if you can write a little blog about your trip for other divers who may be going there too!
tfd86 - 7/28/2011 8:55 PM
went once dove with resort operator years ago I believe the name was Scuba Caribe. Long Bus ride to La romana then deep dive was coral reef/ wall dive surface interval they took you to Isla Catalina for lunch followed by a shallow dive.

Wasn’t on any forum boards in those days but boat was kind of crowded with mix of people some diving others snorkeling and some that just wanted to visit the island. Now that there are forum ie here scubaboard and scubatoys/forum I’m sure I would research it prior but all in all the wall was nice.