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Online vs. Underwater Buddies
Aquapest - 5/06/2009 10:06 PM
Category: Survey
Replies: 47

Sure. Making and declaring site users as buddies is easy on How many have earned a "Been diving together." check mark on your profile page? How many of your online buddies do you know in the real world?
Bigdogdown - 5/28/2009 10:58 AM
[Choose #1] I would like to dive with every buddy on my list they all seem like good buddies and fun people!!
ChicagoVic - 5/18/2009 8:22 AM
[Choose #5] So far
LatitudeAdjustment - 5/15/2009 12:42 PM
[Choose #1] Half have been buddies and I hope to dive with the other half.
Catman - 5/12/2009 9:39 PM
[Choose #2] Try to meet and dive with someone new every time we take a trip.
pmombourquette - 5/12/2009 7:11 PM
[Choose #5] none, there is none in my area
iScuba - 5/10/2009 6:06 PM
[Choose #3] i actually know and been diving with more than 10 of my online buddies.
Diver237 - 5/09/2009 5:03 AM
[Choose #1] I think talking is one of the frist steps. Timing is another thing when meeting people, some of us have time and other’s don’t.
DiveBuddyChgo - 5/07/2009 10:35 PM
[Choose #2] I am picky on who is on my buddy list..
Indiana - 5/07/2009 4:56 PM
[Choose #3] I think at least 10 I did dive with.
Magdalena - 5/07/2009 11:56 AM
[Choose #1] What question are you asking? Its a difference between been diving together, and how many I know in the real world...
diverjay - 5/07/2009 5:12 AM
[Choose #1] I do have diving plans with some of my buddies on here this summer
scubadad - 5/07/2009 1:32 AM
[Choose #1] Know and have dived with a few, but knew them before DiveBuddy