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rented dive gear mantained?
mo - 8/24/2009 8:32 AM
Category: Survey
Replies: 41

I have just finished reading an article in a dive magazine, the author of the article described an out of air experience, the divers gage showed 100bar of air, however the divers regulator was not delivering any, it turns out that the inside of the cylinder was corroded, when the diver had gone head down to look under a rock cutting the oxide inside the cylinder blocked the flow of air, reading the article has prompted me to ask this question. Most of us rent dive gear at one time or another, how many of you just except that the kit that you rent has been properly maintained, and how many ask the provider of the equipment for proof? When was the last time you checked the cylinder you rented was is inside its test date? Comments welcome
Nitro - 10/26/2009 7:00 AM
[Choose #3] But expect that there are some companies that don’t do this regularly
mukashi - 9/19/2009 1:04 PM
[Choose #4] That is why I own my own tanks.
dalehall - 9/12/2009 8:03 AM
[Choose #2] I believe my LDS maintains their equipment on a very regular basis.
ncdiveinstructor - 9/02/2009 1:54 PM
[Choose #3] at our shop I am the one who services our gear and I see to it that all gear is regularly maintained. I expect others to do the same but you just never know.
steelheadfish - 9/01/2009 8:42 AM
[Choose #4] i always assume it hasnt been serviced ever !
csemenko - 8/30/2009 1:32 PM
[Choose #4] I ask, but I realize in poorer countries it is cheaper to forge documents than do inspections or fix problems found during inspections.
RAWalker - 8/27/2009 2:35 AM
[Choose #4] I don’t use rental gear other than tanks and lead!
Indiana - 8/26/2009 9:34 PM
[Choose #3] I would trust my LDS and a couple others.I seen some bad rental stuff at others
diverjay - 8/25/2009 12:14 PM
[Choose #3] I feel that my LDS does a good job of maintaining their equipment and one thing I do know is that if the cylinders are not within test dates, no one will fill them (at the dive parks)
daz88 - 8/25/2009 8:34 AM
[Choose #3] what proof, there will be a viz inpection sticker with date on the tank. Most shops do their own viz inspections, so hopefully they are not just putting sticker on with no inspections.
HogLifer - 8/24/2009 10:21 PM
[Choose #3] I only rent tanks and weights, I look for the hydro stamp and vip sticker but that is all.
MonkeyDiver - 8/24/2009 8:27 PM
[Choose #4] I teach my students how to check out their equipment before leaving a shop, and even provide them stuff with subtle problems that they need to detect. I also tell them that responsible shops encourage such scrutinity, but if they don’t go elsewhere.
TColJeep - 8/24/2009 8:07 PM
[Choose #4] Have only rented tanks and always check for vis and hydro.
seawolfdiving - 8/24/2009 4:29 PM
[Choose #4] I always check because it is my "life support system for the dive". If this offends the shop that I am renting from then I figure that I should rent somewhere else.
Catman - 8/24/2009 3:19 PM
[Choose #4] Never take anything for granted, you are the best one to look out for your safety.
MDW - 8/24/2009 1:25 PM
[Choose #3] I assume the equipment is NOT maintained. I rent as little as possible (tanks & weights only). In many countries there is not tank testing, so pay your money and take your chances (or two tanks).
charstew - 8/24/2009 11:48 AM
[Choose #3] That is nuts you should list the facility!
LatitudeAdjustment - 8/24/2009 10:26 AM
[Choose #3] )n foreign travel you are always using their tanks and I have seen stuff that would never pass here, deep dings and leaking neck seals.