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What Do You Believe?
RAWalker - 1/24/2011 12:41 AM
Category: Survey
Replies: 61

Do you believe divers when they make statements like... I could be a dive instructor but i choose NOT to become an instructor. Or, I’m every bit as good a diver as any instructor.
divershaun - 2/26/2011 3:07 AM
[Choose #3] I know I could be because I have more training then most instructors out there!! I just don’t want to be in charge of a bunch of dumbasses
steelheadfish - 2/08/2011 3:41 PM
[Choose #3] i find it a waste of money for DM/instructor training most or instructors are not someone i want to follow
ConchDiver - 2/08/2011 12:08 PM
[Choose #1] Although I’ve run into my share of instructors who are braggarts and just simply blowhards
tazzer9797 - 2/07/2011 7:19 PM
[Choose #3] I have no desire to be a DM or instructor. I do however learn as much as I can to be the best diver "I" can be. DEosent mean I an beter than or woese than anyone. Means I am trying to be the best "I" can be plain and simple
Muzz09 - 2/07/2011 3:04 PM
[Choose #1] Actually who really cares! It’s nothing to get your shorts in a knot about!
Farney - 2/02/2011 2:23 PM
[Choose #3] It’s possible that they could easily be knowledgable enough, but I have a rule of not believing most things people just say.
diverray - 1/30/2011 3:42 PM
[Choose #4] Being a good experienced diver and being an instructor are really two different things with different training and skills.
Laura - 1/29/2011 4:41 PM
[Choose #3] Some "instructors" just zipped through all the classes and really don’t have enough real experience to be good instructors
123654J - 1/29/2011 11:07 AM
[Choose #3] Being a Good Diver has nothinging to do with being an instructor. An instructors value is not only in his/her diving ability but in their ability torelate that information to the student.
DiveBuddyChgo - 1/28/2011 12:34 PM
[Choose #5] And swamp land is a good investment. I’ll drill for oil any day.
daz88 - 1/27/2011 9:24 AM
[Choose #3] never heard anybody say that before
sadfish - 1/24/2011 10:05 PM
[Choose #3] I looks like you left out a few answers to choose from but I do believe this and know it in my case
SCUBASMITTY - 1/24/2011 1:24 PM
[Choose #2] I BELIEVE- that this TYPE of survey is vindictive and childish !- dude, GROW UP,
LatitudeAdjustment - 1/24/2011 11:44 AM
[Choose #3] Been a DM, being an instructor is more trouble than it’s worth!